Home Inspection

We are here to assist you in making a confident decision about your property. Whether you’re buying a new property and want to be sure of what you’re getting, or selling a property and want to eliminate possible problems that could delay or lose a sale. Or just for your peace of mind you want a professional to inspect and advise you on the condition, maintenance and safety recommendations of your current home. You found the perfect company! Our Basic Home Inspection is a very thorough visual inspection that will determine the condition of the plumbing, heating, cooling and electrical systems, exterior walls, interior surfaces including walls, floors, and ceilings. We will examine the structure to assure it is sound and determine the condition of the roof, soffit, fascia, gutters, downspouts, siding, windows, doors, installed appliances, pool equipment, as well as the safety features of the home. We use several tools to detect what our eyes can’t see such as moisture meters, GFCI devices (electrical tester), infrared thermometers, etc… The lot should be graded away from the house so that water does not drain toward the house and into the basement. We take an average of 100 photos to add to our detailed report making it easy to read and identify any issue observed by the inspector. However, our inspectors and our office staff are here to insure clients understand any item reported.

Keep in mind that no house is perfect and anything & everything can be fixed. The question is – at what cost? You & your Real Estate Agent should discuss discrepancies found and decide if you want or need further negotiations.